Ralph Pritchard

Film director and film critic.

Co-host of Return to Form podcast
Co-founder of Via Negativa film production company.


Ralph Pritchard
London-based videographer


“It was an absolute pleasure to work with Ralph, his professionalism and warm character ensured the project was both efficiently executed and it was a joy to work together. We will continue to work with Ralph on future projects and would strongly recommend him to any other individuals, institutions or companies seeking a highly skilled video editor/producer”

Ben Vickers, Chief Technical Officer, Serpentine

"Ralph’s work is of an impeccable standard: timely; well-produced; showing great understanding of our books, authors, and the wider cultural/political content. He is incredibly reliable and responsive, often working to tight deadlines and turning around content in short periods of time. He is able to work with a range of different authors and subjects; bringing great ideas and perspectives into the creative process. Also very easy to get on with; we feel more than confident sending him to work with an author without being present, knowing they will feel relaxed and well-steered through the filming. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend!"

Jennifer Tighe, Marketing and Publicity Director,
Verso Books

“openDemocracy has worked with Ralph a number of times over the years, from filming events and conferences to putting together more time-sensitive fund-raising appeals and other short campaign films. I'd highly recommend him to anyone: not only for his filming and editing skills but for his thoughtful input and guidance on scripts, delivery, and handling complex and sensitive subject matter. He gets the politics of what we do, and that is invaluable.”

Mary Fitzgerald, Editor-in-Chief of openDemocracy


  • Livestream producer

  • Longform video podcasts
  • Viral social media clips
  • Event documentation
  • Hybrid conferences (online and IRL)
  • Fundraiser campaign videos
  • Documentary self-shooter







I’ve worked on various remote and studio-based video panels with Serpentine, Whitechapel Gallery, Verso Books and others.

Multi-camera live stream of an public event.
Role: Stream manager
Responsibilities: Liasing with camera operators, setting up stream, equipment management.

In-studio/remote hybrid stream on Twitch
Client: Serpentine
Role: Technical manager
Responsibilities: Camera setup, sound, live editing, pre-production consultation.

Remote live-stream
Client: Verso Books
Role: Stream manager

Responsibilities: Liasing with participants, setting up and monitoring stream, producing graphics, live editing.

Live-streamed public event
Client: Whitechapel Gallery
Role: Camera operator

Responsibilities: Setting up and operating two cameras. Liasing with stream manager and sound desk.


I regularly make videos for Verso Books. Verso mainly publish non-fiction and political theory. My role is to record in-depth interviews with their authors and create short, shareable content for use on Youtube and social media.

Multi-camera video podcast
Client: Verso Books
Role: Videographer (Comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Camera, sound, editing, sound mix, colour.

Author interview
Client: Verso Books
Role: Videographer (Comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Camera, interviewer, sound, editing, sound mix, colour.

"Ralph’s work is of an impeccable standard: timely; well-produced; showing great understanding of our books, authors, and the wider cultural/political content. He is incredibly reliable and responsive, often working to tight deadlines and turning around content in short periods of time. He is able to work with a range of different authors and subjects; bringing great ideas and perspectives into the creative process. Also very easy to get on with; we feel more than confident sending him to work with an author without being present, knowing they will feel relaxed and well-steered through the filming. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend!"

Jennifer Tighe, Marketing and Publicity Director,
Verso Books

Other examples of publishing content below:

Author clip
Client: Verso Books
Role: Videographer (Comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Camera, sound, editing, sound mix, colour.

Author clip
Client: Verso Books
Role: Videographer (Comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Camera, sound, editing, sound mix, colour.

Author clip
Client: ZED Books
Role: Videographer (comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Interviewer, camera, sound, editing, sound mix, colour.


I produce short sizzles and promo clips for social media for many of my clients.

Metaverse event - Promotional clip
Client: Serpentine
Role: Editor
Editing, graphics, captioning, sourcing clips and music.

Assembly Point - Promotional clip
Client: Assembly Point
Role: Videographer (comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Camera, editing, colour, souricing music.

Serpentine Arts Tech - Website background clip
Client: Serpentine
Role: Editor
Editing, graphics.

Hivemind livestream - Promotional clip
Client: Serpentine
Role: Editor
Editing, graphics, captioning, sound recording.


Fundraising video
Client: openDemocracy
Role: Videographer (comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Editing, graphics, sound recording

Fundraising video
Client: openDemocracy
Role: Videographer (comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Editing, graphics, sound recording.

Fundraiser video for openDemocracy’s investigations into corruption.

“openDemocracy has worked with Ralph a number of times over the years, from filming events and conferences to putting together more time-sensitive fund-raising appeals and other short campaign films. I'd highly recommend him to anyone: not only for his filming and editing skills but for his thoughtful input and guidance on scripts, delivery, and handling complex and sensitive subject matter. He gets the politics of what we do, and that is invaluable.”
Mary Fitzgerald, Editor-in-Chief of openDemocracy


I’m available to document and livestream academic conferences - but I can also produce summaries and promotional clips to help university departments fundraise for future events.

Event summary
Client: Birkbeck School of Law
Role: Videographer (comprehensive)
Responsibilities: Camera, editing, graphics, sound recording.

This is a conference organised by the Birkbeck School of Law. The organisers wanted a short highlights package that could be used to promote and raise funds for future events.


I began my career as a political journalist and have experience developing documentary content.

Client: The Guardian
Role: Cinematographer and editor
Responsibilities: Camera, editing, sound mix, colour.

‘The problem with Prevent’ was a Guardian documentary I worked on with journalist Michael Segalov. I was cinematographer and video editor, Segalov was producer/director.

It tells the story of Rahmaan, a 17 year old sixth-form student targeted by a problematic government anti-terror policy.


Send me an email at ralphpritchardfilms@gmail.com to discuss a project.

For a full list of previous clients view my CV here.